Referral Scheme

Working alongside you

At Kamal Estates we’re proud to be working with a number of industry leading partners who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our industry. Many of these partners allow us to provide sector leading advice and service to our clients.

As part of our business and growth strategy, we work alongside other companies who provide services that go hand in hand with what we do. Many of these firms being, solicitors, mortgage brokers, surveyors and building firms.

We’ve created long standing and respectable relationship with these firms over the years and honour their referral work – we aim to work alongside these businesses on an ethical, fair and transparent basis which allows both parties to benefit and grow in the long run.

Many firms that we work with have seen profiting returns with regards to referral fees and ongoing future client business. If you’re involved in a business that could benefit from such a partnership, feel free to reach out to me and I would be happy to discuss options that we offer.

I hope this is of interest to your firm a i look forward to working with you.

Kind Regards

Managing Director

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